Low Testosterone

Symptoms of testosterone deficiency affect approximately 1 in 200 men and may include: weakness, fatigue, reduced libido, depression and osteoporosis. This condition is commonly referred to as “Andropause”.

In men, bioavailable testosterone (the type that can be used by the body) declines with age. However, an age-related increase in body weight and fat cells can result in increased conversion of testosterone to estrogen (which is measured as estradiol). Therefore, relative levels of free circulating estrogens increase with age and it has been proposed that increased estrogenic stimulation of the prostate in the aging male may lead to reactivation of prostate growth and cancer. In his book “Hormone Balance for Men: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Prostate Health and Natural Hormone Supplementation”, the late John Lee, MD, stated “Optimal protection against estradiol-induced cancer occurs when the saliva progesterone level is 200-300 times that of saliva estradiol level.” Progesterone has many benefits in the male body beyond prostate protection, including defense against cardiovascular disease and many neurodegenerative diseases such Alzheimer’s.

It is imperative that you monitor your estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels by doing a saliva test. Serum blood does not correlate well when using topical hormone replacement therapy; you end up using too high of a dose that could make your symptoms worse.

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