Scientists from Life Extension have identified certain anti-aging supplements that have the ability to triger youthful gene expression. By doing so, these anti-aging supplements can slow certain aspects of aging. These compounds include trans-resveratrol, whole grape extract, quercetin, plus certain anti-aging supplements found in berries, including trans-pterostilbene and fisetin.
Many studies published from scientific literature indicate that resveratriol, inparticular trans-resveratrol, may be the most effective anti-aging supplement for maintaining optimal health and promoting longevity. May patients believe that they can get this anti-aging supplement from drinking wine. This may have been the case many, many years ago but the level of resveratrol in modern wines has plummeted due to the widespread use of pesticides in modern wine making, including the practice of copper sulfation. Other factors can influence the amount of resveratriol found in red wine, such as where the grapes are grown and the time of harvest. There is only one to three mg of resveratrol per liter of red win. I am sure many people would be happy to hear that they should drink liters of red wine every day but, unfortunately they will not be youthful, just drunk.
Thankfully research funded by the Life Extension Foundation showed that a combination of low dose resveratrol plus grapeseed extract mimicked many of the favorable gene expression changes seen in calorie-restricted animals. Other studies, however, indicate that even higher doses may be needed to obtain all of resveratrol’s positive benefits.
Resveratrol Benefits
Resveratrol has many benefits. Resveratrol has been shown to promote healthy insulin sensitivity which is great for patients who have trouble maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, i.e. diebetics. Since we have a large bio-identical hormone replacement practice, this is also important in female patients who have high testosterone and/or DHEA levels. High androgen levels can be caused by insulin resistance and lead to baldness and increases facial hair.
Resveratrol has also been shown to enhance mitochondrial function. If you remember biology class, every cell in our body has a mitochondria. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Having healthy mitochondria function is necessary for healthy aging and energy levels.
Other resveratrol benefits include: reduced expression inflammatory factors and protection against the effects of a high fat diet. More and more studies show that inflammation is the enemy. Inflammation in our stomach leads to depression and suppression of our immune system. Inflammation in our veins and arteries leads to high blood pressure and strokes. Inflammation in general leads to a decreased ability to lose weight.
Resveratrol Dosage
Life Extension researched the published studies on resveratrol and found that effective doses can range from 20mg to 250mg to even higher. That is quite a large dosage range. The dose of resveratrol that you choose to take depends on your desire to reach the upper limits of a healthy human life span. If you are reading this blog or getting any medications filled at PharmaCare Compounding Pharmacy, we figure you are trying to reach for these upper limits! Therefore you want to take a higher dosage.
This anti-aging supplement works well with resveratrol. These two anti-aging supplements work synergistically together. That means they potentiate each others effects. That means you get even more anti-aging benefits!
Fisetin is commonly found in strawberries. Once again, this anti-aging supplement is synergistic with resveratrol. Research indicateds that fisetin has the ability to stabilize resveratrol by shielding it from metabolic breakdown thus extending its beneficla effects.
Anti-aging Secrets : http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20306759,00.html
Anti-aging cosmetics : http://www.rxskintherapy.com/