There are supplements out there that actually work that could be considered natural heartburn remedies. Proton pump inhibitors are routinely prescribed for acid reflux but are they safe? Overall, acid reflux or GERD affects 25-35 percent of the US population. As a result, acid blocking medications are the third top-selling type of drug in America today. Acid blocking drugs, obviously, block acid that can contribute to heart burn. But your body actually needs stomach acid to stay healthy. Stomach acid is necessary to digest a wide variety of foods and it is also necessary for absorption of nutrients like calcium, magnesium and vitamin B12. So are these medications that we are using really doing us any good? We should be looking for natural heartburn Remedies.
Are Proton Pump Inhibitors unsafe?
There is growing evidence that taking these medications can prevent you from properly digesting foods, cause vitamin & mineral deficiencies, and lead to problems like irritable bowel syndrome, depression, hip fractures, Clostridium difficile colitis, and more! A natural remedy for hearburn would be assumed to be safer. The research also tells us that taking these drugs can cause dangerous overgrowth of bacteria in you intestine called Clostridia, leading to life-threatening infections. In addition, a recent study showed that chronic use of acid blocking drugs leads to an increase in the development of osteoporosis and increase in hip fracture because blocking acid prevents the absorption of calcium and other minerals necessary for bone health.
Do Natural Heartburn Remedies Exist?
Unfortunately, these acid blocking medications seem to be taken like candy without a second thought given to the consequences. There are other natural heartburn remedies like daily, high quality probiotics and Zinc Carnosine. Zinc Carnosine has well-documented gastro-supportive benefits and relieves dyspeptic symptoms.
Zinc carnosine should be taken with food! If taken on an empty stomach, zinc carnosine can stomach discomfort. The zinc in zinc carnosine is able to repair the stomach and intestinal tissue directly. Zinc carnosine has also be heavily studied to protect the stomach lining from H. pylori wish is the cause of many stomach ulcers. Zinc carnosine has also been shown to protect the stomach from NSAIDS!
Evidence that Natural Heartburn Remedies Work
There are over 20 published studies that demonstrate the stomach-supportive benefits of zinc carnosine. Zinc carnosine appears to target and adhere to the gastric mucosal lining that is in need of support.
Additional Supplements
There are a few supplements that could be considered a natural remedy for heart burn. Probiotics, glutamine and even turmeric could be considered a natural remedy for heartburn. Turmeric may help heartburn by stimulating the gallbladder to produce bile, which may aid in digestion. Chronic gut inflammation can lead to a condition called dysbiosis wich is an imbalance between the good bacteria and the bad bacteria. Replacing that good bacteria with probiotics can help with this imbalance and can help with GERD.
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