Erectile dysfunction and Andropause are two conditions with the greatest impact on male quality of life. As a result, it is a significant concern for many men. Many people simply say, “Well, there is medication for that.” Typically this is in reference to Viagra or Cialis. But as many of our patients know, these medications can be as high as $60.00 per pill for E.D. medication.

How did the price get so high?
In the United States, the cost of Viagra has increased steadily, and at a rate that far outpaces inflation since its introduction. This price trend was reflected in markets in Europe and Canada until 2013, when Pfizer lost patent protection in several European countries and Canada. In Europe in particular, Viagra is now sold as a “premium” product for consumers who want the reassurance of the brand name.
Prescription drug prices have risen at rates much faster than the rate of general inflation in recent years. There is little reason to believe this will change any time soon. The rapid increase in prices for prescription drugs is that many brand name drugs are covered by insurance plans, and they are often advertised heavily.
Top-selling name brand drugs are often the very ones that show the steepest increases in price. Also, drugs used to treat ED are phenomenally popular.
There are two reasons that can explain this paradox – right of patent and sales cost.
Sales cost can be explained by the fact that generic Viagra became so popular for a reason. Millions of dollars were spent on advertisements. Now approximately 50 % of drug cost is marketing expenses. Consumer’s who purchase Viagra in the US are the ones burdened with this cost.
The next reason is the right of the patent. Nowadays Brand Viagra is produced by ‘Pfizer.’ This is the only company which has a patent. This Patent expires in 2020 in the United States, and Pfizer is anticipating a flood of new generics to hit the market. In anticipation, Pfizer has maintained high costs to hold steady revenue. This is despite the fact compounded ED alternatives costing over 90% less to consumers.
Dangers of Online Generics:
Thousands of companies advertising online claim to offer Cialis and Viagrafor huge discounts without needing a prescription. A lot of these companies suggest they’re Canadian, British, or American to try and gain your trust, but you can’t really know the quality of these manufacturers. All of them gladly take your money. Some then disappear or ignore follow up emails and calls. Others might send medication in the mail that is supposedly brand name, but it’s a safe bet that the pill you’re about to introduce to your system came from an unregulated “lab” somewhere.
So, Pfizer’s prices remain astronomically high, and generics available online lack oversight and validity. What’s the best way for men with ED to obtain the medication they need?
The answer comes in the form of compounding. This accredited process that allows for the production and sale of sildenafil (the active ingredient in Viagra®) and Tadalafil (the active ingredient in Cialis) into dissolvable troches, which are available for as little as $4 per dose. Generic Viagra tablets are also made available at PharmaCare for $10 per dose. One sure source of a wide variety of ED treatment at an affordable price.
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