Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

What is Liposomal Vitamin C?

Liposomal Vitamin C is A Powerful Antioxidant

Liposomal vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant.  An antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, leading to chain reactions that may damage cells. Antioxidants such as thiols or ascorbic acid (vitamin C) terminate these chain reactions. The term “antioxidant” is mainly used for two different groups of substances: industrial chemicals and natural chemicals.  Industrial chemicals are added to products to prevent oxidation.  Natural chemicals, which are equally as important, are found in foods and body tissue.  These natural chemicals are said to have beneficial health benefits.  This anti-oxidant plays a critical role in helping the immune system, joints and arteries heal and function properly.  All in all, liposomal vitamin C is a wonderful supplement.

Health Benefits of Vitamin C

The health benefits of Vitamin C, also known as Ascorbic Acid include the prevention and treatment of scurvy, treatment of the common cold, boosting the immune system, lowering hyper tension, treatment of lead toxicity, curing cataracts, treatment of cancer, combating stroke, maintain elasticity of the skin, healing wounds, and controlling the symptoms of asthma.  Given these points, vitamin C should be taken by nearly everyone.

Vitamin C, or Ascorbic acid, is one of the most effective and safest nutrients since it is a water soluble vitamin. It is a powerful antioxidant for the synthesis of collagen, which helps to make blood vessels and body muscles strong. The human body doesn’t have the capacity to generate Vitamin C. Therefore, it needs to be received through food and other supplements.

Vitamin C and Cancer

Environmental toxins damage cells and intracellular organelles leading to altered cellular metabolism and genetic mutations.  Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant properties that protect against the oxidative stress against the cell.   High doses of vitamin C are even more important when large cancerous growths already exist within the body.  Oral vitamin C does not directly attack cancer but it helps to keep the immune system strong and empowers it to destroy the cancer.

Vitamin  C and Reversing Heart Disease

                The repair process of arteries revolves around the creation of new collagen and elastic fibers in the area of the damage.  There are a few nutrients necessary for the creation of these fibers.  Vitamin C is one of these fibers but it is often in short supply.   When there is a lack of vitamin C, instead of using the remedy of vitamin C to repair the damage to the artery walls immediately, the body has to make more plaque that then accumulates.  This results in more deposits, and, in places where the artery wall damage is more concentrated, a thicker and thicker buildup of plaque.

The vitamin C theory is still just a theory until we try to test it out on real people with the plaque-deposit blockages type of heart disease. So, the question becomes: what happens when we provide abundant quantities of the nutrients required to fix damaged areas of artery walls. The almost universal result is that, as the arterial damage heals, the plaque deposits are released from the artery wall. Eventually this disease condition can be substantially or even completely reversed.

liposomal vitamin c

Liposomal Vitamin C

At PharmaCare Compounding Pharmacy, we have been using liposomal technology for 20 years.  Liposomes are fat soluble transport vehicles that drive nutrients to the body’s cells.  These fatty molecules are similar to the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membranes in the body and can, therefore, pass through these membranes easier than other dosage forms.

Liposomal encapsulation of ingredients represents a new delivery system that offers important advantages over existing methods of delivery.  Since liposomal vitamin C has a similar structure to a body’s cell, it passes through the digestive barrier and delivers the nutrient directly into the blood stream.   This results in a very high absorption rate.  This absorption rate is even superior to IV vitamin C which is very expensive.    The liposome has hydrophilic and hydrophobic sides offering a fat and water portion which allows vitamin C to be absorbed through the fat and water soluble pathways for optimal utilization by the body. This liposomal delivery system is especially beneficial for patients who have had gastric bypass surgery, general gastro-intestinal challenges, and for those patients who require large amounts of Vitamin C.

liposomal vitamin c by davinci


DaVinci Labatories Liposomal Vitamin C

Liposomal C is a liquid supplement that provides a powerful dose of vitamin C in a liposomal delivery system that offers optimal assimilation.* In fact, the liposome has hydrophilic and hydrophobic sides, providing a fat and water portion, which allows vitamin C to be absorbed through the fat and water soluble pathways for proper utilization in the body. Liposomal C is especially beneficial for patients with general GI dysfunction.* Each serving provides 1250 mg of vitamin C in a flavorful, vegetarian, and citrus-free liquid.


Sorice A, Guerriero E, Capone F, Colonna G, Castello G, Costantini S. Ascorbic acid: its role in immune system and chronic inflammation diseases. Mini Rev Med Chem. 2014 May;14(5):444-52. PMID: 24766384

Owen Fonorow and Sally Snyder Jewell, Practicing Medicine Without A License, Lulu Press

(, 2008, p. 145

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